This may sound crazy, but if you’re feeling dissatisfied with your life, stuck in a rut, and overwhelmed, this could be the best thing that ever happened to you! I know it’s counterintuitive, but think of it this way… what if your deep feeling of dissatisfaction is just the divine sign you’ve been waiting for? What if it is your inner guidance system letting you know that NOW would be a great time to get on track and start living the rich, meaningful life you’re meant to live?
Have you ever heard the expression, “pain pushes until the vision pulls?” I think it’s a powerful statement that gives us a fresh perspective on pain and dissatisfaction.
Instead of seeing these feelings as a dead end into depression, boredom and inaction, they remind us, to refocus, to turn within and rediscover our truth. I know it can seem scary and overwhelming to make big changes, so I developed this program of individualized guidance, personal reflection and courage to help you reclaim who you were always meant to be. You don't have to feel lost or confused anymore.
You’ll choose your time and investment level, Pearl, Diamond or Sapphire
We’ll meet weekly by phone over a period of 6 weeks, 10 weeks or 6 months, and begin your personalized path re-introducing you to your life’s purpose. Depending on the timeframe you select, you can expect to begin your process or to go deeply into these outcomes:
Learn how to make necessary decisions quickly and in alignment with your highest truth
Create a life of joy, meaning and connection
Feel renewed, clear and on purpose
Re-discover your still, small voice
Identify fears and limitations that keep you from listening to your inner truth
Learn how to recognize opportunities all around you